DVDs to guide you through Grades or relive conferences.

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Argentine Tango Bronze DVD

Argentine Tango Bronze DVD

A DVD showing routines for Bronze level in Argentine Tango
This DVD will take you through structure/posture, rhythm, weight changes, forward/backward walk, side/switch step, 4/6 basic steps, parallel/cross system, Caminado con giro/Cruzada, ochos/molinete, corte/rebound.
The DVD also offers a wealth of technical detail, solo and partner exercises, mechanics of lead and follow, combination basic movements with other figures, instruction regarding rhythm changes.

“For a long time I’ve wanted to improve my Argentine Tango knowledge both for myself personally and for my teaching. I have read many books and watched many DVDs but I have found none of them to be all that clear or concise in terms of the mechanics of the dance but also the terminology and technical terms used. Tom Peña has created some DVDs for UKA Dance and suddenly it all makes sense to me. Starting with utter basics and moving upwards, I now understand the dance like I never have before, from both a leader’s and follower’s perspective. I’d like to thank Tom for his hard work in creating this DVD along with his wonderful assistant, Ali Pollard.”

Andrew Rhys Davies
UKA Licentiate, Head Instructor of Burroughs Dance Centre in Weston-super-Mare and 3 Times Undefeated British Classical Sequence Champion

DVD for Silver level can be found HERE. Technique Book containing amateur & pro syllabus can be found HERE.

Argentine Tango Silver DVD

Argentine Tango Silver DVD

A DVD showing routines for Silver level in Argentine Tango
This DVD will take you through Structure / Posture, Rhythmic Expressions, Feet Position, Adornos (Embellishment), Calesita / Planeo, Forward and Reverse Ocho Progressions, Cruzada from Ocho Cortado and Cross System, Left Turn rebound, Media Luna / Media Vuelta, Parada / Barrida / Pasada / Sacada, Gancho / Boleo, Corte: Active / Lean / Lunge
The DVD also offers a wealth of technical detail, solo and partner exercises, mechanics of lead and follow, combination basic movements with other figures, instruction regarding rhythm changes.

“For a long time I’ve wanted to improve my Argentine Tango knowledge both for myself personally and for my teaching. I have read many books and watched many DVDs but I have found none of them to be all that clear or concise in terms of the mechanics of the dance but also the terminology and technical terms used. Tom Peña has created some DVDs for UKA Dance and suddenly it all makes sense to me. Starting with utter basics and moving upwards, I now understand the dance like I never have before, from both a leader’s and follower’s perspective. I’d like to thank Tom for his hard work in creating this DVD along with his wonderful assistant, Ali Pollard.”

Andrew Rhys Davies
UKA Licentiate, Head Instructor of Burroughs Dance Centre in Weston-super-Mare and 3 Times Undefeated British Classical Sequence Champion

DVD for Bronze level can be found HERE. Technique Book containing amateur & pro syllabus can be found HERE.

Ballet Grades DVD

Ballet Grades Videos

Videos showing the Ballet Preliminary 1 - 3 and Grade 1 through to 8.

Can be sent by email, on USB drive or DVD.

Music for Prelims: click HERE

Music for Grades: click HERE

Syllabus for Prelims: click HERE

Syllabus for Grades: click HERE

Syllabus for Majors (Teacher’s exams): click HERE

Highland Grades DVD

Highland Grades Videos

Videos showing the Regulated Grades 1-8 in highland dancing.

Can be sent on DVD or USB drive by post or the videos can be emailed.

Jazz Grades 6 – 8 DVD

Jazz Grades 6 – 8 Videos

Videos showing the Jazz Grades 6 through to 8. Can be sent by email, on USB drive or DVD.

Syllabus for Prelims: click HERE

Syllabus for Grades 1-5: click HERE

Syllabus for Grades 6-8: click HERE

Syllabus for Majors (Teacher’s exams): click HERE

Videos for Prelims and Grades 1-5: click HERE