Appropriate Communications

Important notice for all teachers

Important notice for all members

There have been reported incidents where teachers have used inappropriate terminology in their criticism of pupil’s performances and general progress. ENCOURAGEMENT should always be the watchword. The highlighting of positive elements should always be used as pointers for the development of areas that teachers believe to be lacking.

To tell pupils, particularly younger ones, that they are inadequate or not meeting perceived standards MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES – This could lead to disciplinary action from us, and much more serious action from the Social Services and Local Authority Officials, who may well view this as Child Abuse. So please think carefully at all times when speaking to pupils.

The Internet & Social Media

Members are strongly advised to exercise caution with regard to their use of Facebook and other social media platforms. Although the legal age for someone having a Facebook account is 13yrs, members must first consider their statutory obligations under the Children and Young Persons Act when they are in a position of trust or care.

Members are also advised not to accept or send friend requests, to anyone under the age of 18, and are forbidden to do so when acting in any professional capacity.

Members should refrain from posting images of children or young people on any social media platform or otherwise, without the written permission of their parents or legal guardians.

If members record any media of children and young persons in their care, in a teaching environment or otherwise, they should retain copies of the recordings and again should have the consent of their legal guardians.

Members and those who act on their behalf, should also apply due diligence to media recording by children and young people whilst they are in their custody or control.

Particular care should always be taken in all matters which involve those under 18 years of age. You should also consider the possibility of legal proceedings.