This document gives guidance on Teaching Qualifications and the requirements for ALL dance genres. The requirements set out below take immediate effect and will be the only accepted method.
When a candidate is ready to take an assessment they should download and complete the current application form and send it along with a Portfolio (in a digital format), a current photograph, video evidence and the appropriate fee for the assessment that they are taking. If candidates are not sure of the current fee please check with UKAdance first.
1. Portfolio – a Portfolio is to be submitted for all Teaching Qualifications, more detailed descriptions of specific requirements can be found in the syllabus/technique book for the genre concerned. However a basic summary for all dance genres is CV, brief history of the chosen dance genre, warm up/cool down routines (appropriate to the genre/level of the class it would be used for), lesson plans, description of the dances submitted by video evidence, child protection, health & safety (in relation to dance classes).
2. Video Evidence – video evidence should be submitted electronically, HERE, and contain your demonstration element. More detailed information regarding the demonstration requirements for each genre can be found in the relevant syllabus.
Following receipt of your application, fee & video evidence an assessor will be assigned by UKAdance and a date will be mutually agreed when the one to one session can take place.
3. One to One – this element of the assessment will be done live via a RECORDED video link (Zoom, Facetime, etc.) hosted by UKAdance. This will be a one to one with an assessor assigned by UKAdance. The candidate will need to find a space suitable for the purpose of the assessment as some parts may need to be demonstrated. It will consist of Q&A’s regarding the syllabus and a discussion referencing the video evidence sent with the application. Further Q&A’s to discuss teaching techniques will include but not be limited to, identifying areas where students may have difficulties and how to overcome them, health & safety (in relation to dance classes), safe dance practice, basic class structure and child protection.