Customer Service Statement

Customer Service Statement

1.         Service Aim

UKAdance is committed to providing each customer with a transparent and efficient service. Our aim is to provide the best service and qualifications to our customers.

UKAdance Staff are committed to:

  • Providing calm, courteous and efficient service to every customer
  • Providing accurate and informed responses to queries
  • Providing timely responses to customer queries
  • Treating all customers equally
  • Ensuring fair and open assessment for all candidates and learners

2.         Issue and review

The date of issue of this policy is January 2022. This policy will be reviewed annually.

3.         Data

UKAdance will comply in full with the UK Data Protection Act and requirements relating to GDPR and will not use, distribute or sell any personal information given for the purposes of assessment for any reason other than the facilitation of that assessment, or with the customer's express permission.

UKAdance will protect candidate confidentiality by releasing results only to the entrant’s teacher/dance school.

4.         Appeals and Complaints

Please see the UKAdance website for details on our Appeals and Complaints Policies and how to make an Appeal or Complaint. All Appeals and/or Complaints should be made in writing to or to the attention of the Examinations Manager at Centenary House.

5.         Quality Assurance

UKAdance has a robust quality assurance process which aims to provide the best quality syllabi for customers, as well as a strict monitoring of assessment standards to retain consistency and academic rigour.

UKAdance's key quality checks include:

  • regular moderation and sampling of assessments
  • robust and demanding training for examiner/assessors along with ongoing CPD and further training as necessary
  • experienced panels for syllabus development
  • professional input when writing qualifications
  • ongoing reviews to ensure qualifications remain current and fit for purpose
  • periodical reviews of customer feedback following assessment

6.         Issue of certificates

UKAdance will under normal circumstances issue results and certificates with the following deadlines:

  • Graded examinations and Diplomas —a maximum of 6 weeks after the examination

7.         Accessing the syllabi

UKAdance will publish in English, the syllabus specification for every current qualification it offers and this is available either by contacting Centenary House on the telephone number below or via the website  

8.         Responding to customer enquiries

All telephone and email enquiries should be directed to the Centenary House contacts below.

By telephone

The telephone will be answered in person during office hours from 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. The contact number for Centenary House is 01253 408828.

By email

If you are contacting the office outside of business hours or prefer to communicate by email, please use the following email address:

We aim to respond to all emails within 48 hours. However more complex enquiries may take longer to resolve and syllabus queries may take up to 14 days for full responses.