Working with children and vulnerable adults
It is a legal requirement for those who work and have contact with those under 18 and vulnerable adults to have a DBS clearance. This can be done with the UKA’s scheme in conjunction with DDC. They will ensure that anyone in regular contact with young people or vulnerable adults in any paid or unpaid activity are registered. It will be a criminal offence for employers or organisations to allow such activity without the necessary clearance.
In addition to our regular code of Practice the following should always be observed to keep you and your pupils safe.
- Always ensure that premises that you use are clean and tidy.
- All teaching areas must be accessible and a teacher must never be alone with anyone under 18 years of age or a vulnerable adult.
- Before EVERY session you do a risk assessment and record it ensuring that any defect is noted and corrected.
- A book must be kept with a record of those attending.
- A further book must also be kept to record any incident which may occur. This would include injuries and any other ‘out of the ordinary’ happening.
- Members must not give lifts to pupils in their vehicle.
- Members must avoid any un-necessary contact with pupils. Parents should be informed that some aspects of teaching will include contact.
- No discrimination should take place, either by religion, race or background.
- Ensure that correct warm up and cool down sessions are always employed.
- Never give work that is beyond the pupil’s capabilities.
- A strict code must be observed so that children do not leave the class un-accompanied. This would particularly apply to toilet visits when an established procedure should be made known to pupils.
- Be sure that you have that you have contact details of parents and/or guardians. A strict policy of pick up of children from classes must be adhered to. For children to be picked up by anybody other than the contact, prior consent from the nominated persons must be obtained. No child should ever leave your premises, except with the nominated contact or someone acting on their authority.
- Any contact information held by you must be strictly confidential and must never be given to any other person.