Equal Opportunities Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
1. Issue and review
The date of issue of this policy is January 2022. This policy will be reviewed annually.
2. UKAdance's commitment to equal opportunities
UKAdance is committed to a comprehensive policy of equal opportunities in the management of its qualifications in which individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex or sexual orientation, and are given equal opportunities within the company. The aim of this policy is to ensure that no learner wishing to take one of our qualifications receives less favourable treatment on grounds not relevant to good practice.
UKAdance will endeavour to ensure that no learner is disadvantaged on any of the grounds detailed above. To achieve this, we will consult widely to ensure the continued accessibility and manageability of our Grades and we will provide information, materials and assessments which are free from bias, use plain English and are user friendly for all our customers. Equal opportunities extends to all aspects of our organisation and all our staff including our examiners and moderators will treat all learners fairly.
Dance School responsibilities
Where learners are studying, the institution involved has a responsibility to ensure that recruitment, delivery and assessment practices are carried out in relation to this policy and the requirements set down in relevant legislation to protect learners from discrimination. UKAdance welcomes diversity amongst its learners and seeks to ensure that all learners are treated fairly, and that selection is based solely on the individual’s abilities and suitability for the courses. The recruitment process must result in the selection of the most suitable person for each course with regard to their potential and aptitudes. The selection process will be carried out consistently for all qualifications at all levels. All those handling applications and conducting interviews must be aware of the principles of the Equality Act 2010 and other relevant legislation. The selection of new learners will be based on qualification requirements and the individual’s suitability and ability to do the qualification, and information sought from learners will relate only to the requirements of the qualification.
UKA Dance will monitor centres on their compliance with this policy to ensure learners have fair access to assessment and are not discriminated against in any way. UKAdance will treat seriously any allegations that centres have failed to comply with this policy.
Learner responsibilities
All learners have a duty to co-operate to ensure that this policy is effective to ensure equal opportunities and to prevent discrimination. Learners must not harass or intimidate other learners on the grounds of race or sex, disability or sexual orientation and must not victimise or retaliate against learners who make such allegations. Disciplinary action will be taken against any learner who breaches this policy and such cases will be dealt with according to the proper centre procedures.
Reasonable adjustments and special considerations
There may be certain cases where a learner requires a reasonable adjustment to be made to their assessment to reflect a permanent learning difficulty or disability, or a special consideration in the case of temporary disability, illness or indisposition. UKAdance deals with special arrangements on a learner by learner basis. Please see UKAdance's Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations policy for further details - downloadable at our HERE or by contacting UKAdance on 01253 408828 or e-mail info@ukadance.co.uk
Complaints relating to equality of opportunity
UKAdance treats any allegations of sex or racial discrimination or discrimination on the grounds of disability or sexual orientation seriously. Should any learner, provider, parent or teacher feel that discrimination on any grounds has occurred they should contact UKAdance immediately.